DYNA25: Spring Edition is taking place on 7 April in New York City. More info

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DYNA Spring 2025

New York

DYNA Spring 2025 was held in New York City, New York, on 7 April 2025.

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01: Dyalog News summary
Morten Kromberg (Dyalog Ltd)

Morten opens DYNA Spring 2025 with an update of happenings at Dyalog Ltd and a summary of upcoming events, before introducing some highlights of the next version of Dyalog. Dyalog v20.0 is scheduled to be released in summer 2025, and introduces many new features such as support for APL array notation and primitive tracing.

02: Application Development summary
Morten Kromberg (Dyalog Ltd) and Davin Church (Creative Software Design)

Much work has been done recently to assist with and simplify the process of migrating from APL+Win to Dyalog, and to enable the creation of cross-platform user interfaces. Morten and Davin present an update on this work, including:

  • APL+Win migration tools:
    • ∆WI – a Dyalog APL emulator of APL+Win’s ⎕WI.
    • tools to help identify and resolve syntactic incongruities between APL+Win and Dyalog APL.
    • tools to assist with workspace transfer and reading/writing APL+ component files from Dyalog APL.
  • Cross-Platform GUI:
    • EWC (Everywhere Windows Create) – a cross-platform implementation of Dyalog's ⎕WC family of system functions.

03: Dyalog in Action summary
Mark Wolfson (BIG) and Dexter Maldonado (BIG)

p>BIG (Buyers Intelligence Group) is a company in the jewelry industry that integrates with dozens of systems to import data from 1,000 retailers. The data is used to provide inventory analysis and merchandising consulting for the retailers, to provide sell-through data to manufacturers, and to integrate to several industry service companies.

Mark and Dexter describe how BIG have used Dyalog to streamline development of web-based applications within the C# infrastructure; in this presentation they concentrate on how they have used EWC and Jarvis to deliver customizable screens and dashboards more quickly and flexibly than they could using C#.

04: The Many Faces of Jarvis summary
Brian Becker (Dyalog Ltd)

Dyalog's web service framework, Jarvis, started out as a simple concept – make it possible to easily call APL functions over the net, passing arguments and returning results. Since its inception, Jarvis has grown to become a core component that nearly every new project employs in some fashion. Brian describes the concept and evolution of Jarvis as users have found new and creative ways to use it.

05: Exploring the Dyalog Toolset summary
Josh David (Dyalog Ltd)

Having executable APL notation is the greatest strength of an APL vendor. However, the day-to-day operations in application development typically require more than just the core language primitives and array model. Josh looks at some of the most popular tools, interfaces, and system functions that can be used with Dyalog to provide even greater efficiencies in your software development.

06: NumPy Versus APL – Behind the Scenes summary
Max Sun (BCA Research)

At LambdaConf 2025, Max presented NumPy Versus APL. As part of his preparation for this, he produced an interactive website featuring a combination of rich text, executed code, and its results. The tools he used to do this include:

  • SharpPlot (a plotting library provided with Dyalog APL) - for plots of various styles and formatting
  • Jupyter Notebook for running code and generating slides
  • Markdown for saving the Jupyter Notebook in a sensible format
  • Py'n'APL to compare APL outputs as Python data

In this session, Max talks about the joys and challenges of using and combining these tools.

07: APL and AI summary
Mark Wolfson (BIG) and Brian Becker (Dyalog Ltd)

Mark and Brian discuss using APL to interface with Large Language Models (LLMs) such as OpenAI and Anthropic's Claude, before describing recent work using APL to interface with Predictive Models (PMs).

08: The APL Ecosystem summary
Brian Becker (Dyalog ltd)

There's a wealth of APL-related information available online. Whether you're an APL newcomer or an expert, there's probably something out there that you'll find educational, fun, or informative. Brian presents an overview of some of the online resources that can be used to explore the world of APL.

09: The APL Trust
Diane Hymas (xxx)

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Technical advice and assistance on all aspects of Dyalog usage is available by e-mail (support@dyalog.com) and/or telephone (+44 1256 830030 – limited to U.K. office hours). Limited advice on design and coding is available, but is not intended to replace the use of the printed and on-line documentation. Except when reporting an issue with the software, users are encouraged to seek advice from the user community via the Dyalog Forum (reading the content of the forums does not require membership).

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