The manuals are all provided as books through the print-on-demand service on
The manuals will be provided as printed books with the following appearance
The following print products are available:
- Dyalog for Windows User Guide – Introduction to using Dyalog for Windows
- Dyalog Language Reference – A complete reference for the Dyalog APL language
- Dyalog for Windows Object Reference – Provides detailed information about the GUI objects provided with Dyalog for Widows
- Dyalog for Windows Interface Guide – A guide to the various interfaces provided by Dyalog under Windows (and in many cases also on other platforms)
- Dyalog .Net Interface – A description of the interface between Dyalog and Microsoft.Net
- Dyalog Version 11.0 Release Notes – Documents new features of Dyalog Version 11 and Version 10.1
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming for APL Programmers – Introduces the object oriented features of Dyalog Version 11.0
Printed manuals can be shipped anywhere in the world and quotes are provided instantly online in US$, £ or €.
The manuals are also available as free of charge PDF downloads.