Dyalog Presentations
(01) Dyalog Today and Tomorrow (Opening Session) summary
Gitte Christensen, Managing Director (CEO)
A status report and review of Dyalog's strategy for the next few years, from Dyalog's CEO.
(02) Dyalog for Enterprise Applications (Technical Keynote) summary
Morten Kromberg, Technical Director (CTO)
With Object Orientation and Unicode under our belts, the next technical focus for Dyalog will be performance and connectivity. Our goal is to make it significantly easier to develop, deploy and manage robust, secure and scalable components and services for very large international enterprise applications.
(03) New Features of the Dyalog Development Environment summary
John Daintree
In addition to Unicode, version 12.0 delivers a number of enhancements to the IDE to support development of classes and the use of Microsoft .Net components. John will be our guide to the new functionality in 12.0 and a few useful features from other recent releases.
(04) Introduction to Unicode summary
Morten Kromberg
The defining feature of Dyalog Version 12.0 is support for Unicode character data. Unicode is an industry standard allowing computers to consistently represent and manipulate text expressed in any of the world's writing systems. It assigns a number, or code point, to each of approximately 100,000 characters, including the APL character set.
This presentation will demonstrate the new features which have been introduced in order to support Unicode, and discuss the benefits that Unicode provides. Morten will discuss the most significant issues that will arise during conversion of existing Dyalog applications to Unicode, and introduce some issues that developers of Unicode applications must confront.
(05) SALT, Subversion and the Dyalog Code Library summary | materials (ZIP)
Dan Baronet
The Simple APL Library Toolkit (SALT) is a mechanism for storing namespaces and classes as text files, rather than using internal binary formats. Dyalog is planning to use SALT as the delivery mechanism for code libraries. Dan will show how SALT can be used together with an industry-standard source code management system, and launch a web-based "open source" code repository that everyone is invited to contribute to.
(06) Ultralight Web Development summary | materials (ZIP)
Stephen Taylor
Stephen will show how Dyalog can be used to implement static and dynamic web pages using techniques which any Dyalog user can master. No heavy machinery involved.
(07) New Tools for Distributed Applications summary
Morten Kromberg
The Dyalog Remote Communicator, also known as Congo, is a new tool for enabling the easy construction of client/server and peer-to-peer applications, which will be delivered as part of version 12.0. Congo supports Secure Sockets and makes it straightforward for Dyalog users to implement web client and server programs and "remote procedure call" mechanisms.
Morten will also review the status of the Dyalog File Acceleration Server, a new product which is targeted for availability in 2008. The FAS aims to provide a faster, more robust file system for large applications where many users are sharing files across heavily loaded corporate networks. The FAS will also provide statistics, instrumentation and backup capabilities which are not available from the existing file system.
(08) Keyboards in the New World summary | materials (PDF)
Geoff Streeter
With version 12.0 and Unicode support, Dyalog will no longer use special input and output translation mechanisms, but join the rest of the world in accepting Unicode input from standard "Input Mode Editors" and "x keyboards" defined using standard operating system mechanisms. Geoff will review the platforms on which our products are available, and discuss mechanisms for defining keyboards in each environment.
(09) Version 12.0 Performance Enhancements summary
John Scholes & Nic Delcros
In addition to Unicode support, we have taken time out to review the performance of several key primitive functions and other internal mechanisms. Nic and John will present some of the results of this work and invite you to argue for future improvements that you would like to see.
(10) An Investigation into Higher Level Operators summary
John Scholes
John will take us on a tour of hyper-operators and other exotic constructs that he has been looking into recently.