Presentations and Panel Discussions
P01: What is APL and What Can APL Do For You?
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video (20 mins)
Adám Brudzewsky (Dyalog Ltd)
How can you program with symbols? APL might look strange initially, but maybe it's not so crazy after all...
P02: Getting Started and Learning APL
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video (30 mins)
Asher Harvey-Smith (University of Warwick),
Finn Flug (Dittrich und Partner Consulting GmbH (DPC)),
Isaac Wooden (independent),
Justin Dowdy (Gro Intelligence),
Max Sun (BCA Research),
Stefan Kruger (Dyalog Ltd)
What concepts am I likely to struggle with at the start? APL and array programming can feel radically different to programming in other paradigms, so it can be helpful to have some guidance when you first start. People with experience teaching APL to newcomers, and some who started learning APL relatively recently, will discuss the pitfalls, struggles, and triumphs of embarking on the APL journey.
P03: APL in Research – Prototyping Software
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video (26 mins)
Santiago Núñez-Corrales (National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
An explanation of why scientific software prototyping requires a lean language to be able to try new ideas – even to write code that will most likely be discarded – and what makes APL suitable to fill this niche.
P04: APL in Academia – Writing Software for Science
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video (30 mins)
Jesús Galan Lopez (Delft University of Technology),
Santiago Núñez-Corrales (National Center for Supercomputing Applications),
Stephen Mansour (Misericordia University and
Beth Shalom Academy)
Experienced practitioners of using APL in research and education discuss using APL to develop new ideas in their respective fields. They will explain how APL fits into their areas of expertise, and how they think their specific projects benefit from the notation.
P05: APL in Industry – Using APL to Get Things Done
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video (31 mins)
Alexander Block (Viridium Insurance Group),
Finn Flug (Dittrich und Partner Consulting GmbH (DPC)),
Josh David (Dyalog Ltd),
Mark Wolfson (BIG),
Max Sun (BCA Research)
Can people actually earn money using APL? What sorts of projects do professional APL users work on? Can APL work well with other tools and systems? How do people use APL in a team? The panellists in this discussion all work professionally with APL.
P06: Closing Session
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video (6 mins)
Adám Brudzewsky (Dyalog Ltd)
Adám closes APL Seeds '24 by presenting information on resources available for starting/continuing your APL journey.