Dyalog Presentations
D1: Welcome
Gitte Christensen, Managing Director (CEO)
Gitte starts the ball rolling.
D2: Technical Road Map Update
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Morten Kromberg, User Experience Director (CXO) & Jay Foad, Technical Director (CTO)
A high-level view of our technical plans, presented by the new CTO/CXO duo.
D3: Dyalog Version 15.0 and RIDE 3.0 Highlights
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Multiple presenters
Jay, Morten and others present key features of the next release of Dyalog APL and the cross-platform front end – coming to a computer near you before the summer!
D4: Testing User Interfaces with Selenium
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Morten Kromberg
Web-based user interfaces turn out to have an unexpected benefit: it is straightforward to automate testing. Morten will demonstrate a tool that Dyalog has published on GitHub. We built it to test our own MiServer, but it can be used to test any web page.
D5: Proposed Version 16.0 Language Features
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Jay Foad
Jay presents Dyalog's plans for new core language features in version 16.0.