Papers and External Publications
Members of Team Dyalog regularly present papers at technical conferences and publish articles in technical publications – a number of links to these articles are collected below.
A large collection of excellent papers by some of the giants on whose shoulders we stand have been collected by Roger Hui .
Technical Articles in Vector
Vector is the journal of the British APL Association. A selection of some of the more recent articles that are specific to Dyalog are listed here (further articles can be found by searching the latest issue of Vector and in Vector’s archives ):
- Writing a Utility Function by Dan Baronet – volume 27 number 1 (August 2016)
- Sixteen APL Amuse-Bouches by Roger Hui – volume 26 number 4 (March 2016)
- Reading New Code by Dan Baronet – volume 26 number 4 (March 2016)
- A Tool of Thought by Dan Baronet – volume 26 number 2&3 (September 2014)
- One reason that APL is so cool by Brian Becker – volume 26 number 2&3 (September 2014)
- A letter from Dijkstra on APL by Roger Hui – volume 26 number 2&3 (September 2014)
- Dyalog’s parser – a new parser in town by Dan Baronet – volume 26 number 1 (September 2013)
- User commands in Dyalog by Dan Baronet – volume 25 number 4 (November 2012)
- The 88 Hats Puzzle by Roger Hui – volume 25 number 4 (November 2012)
- Public user commands in Dyalog APL by Dan Baronet– volume 25 number 4 (November 2012)
- ⎕S and ⎕R by Dan Baronet – volume 25 number 4 (November 2012)
- What is an array? by Roger Hui – volume 25 number 3 (March 2012)
- Cryptography in Dyalog APL and .Net by Dan Baronet – volume 25 number 1 (June 2011)
- Inner product – an old/new problem by Roger Hui – volume 24 number 2 (August 2010)
- The Snap SALT command by Dan Baronet – volume 24 number 2 (August )2010
- SALT II by Dan Baronet – volume 23 number 4 (September 2008)
- SALT: Simple APL Library Toolkit by Dan Baronet – volume 23 number 3 (June 2008)
- Learn: Objects in Dyalog APL (Part 3) by Morten Kromberg – volume 22 number 4 (December 2006)
- Learn: Objects in Dyalog APL (Part 2) by Morten Kromberg – volume 22 number 2 (March 2006)
- Learn: OO for APLers (Part 1) by Morten Kromberg – volume 22 number 1 (November 2005)
Other Technical Articles
- U-Net CNN in APL: Exploring Zero-Framework, Zero-Library Machine Learning by Aaron Hsu and Rodrigo Girão Serrão (06 June 2023)
(prepared for the ARRAY 2023 (co-located with PLDI 2023) conference in Orlando, published in Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming ) - APL Since 1978 by Roger Hui and Morten Kromberg (16 June 2020) (prepared for the History Of Programming Languages (HOPL) conference in London (HOPL IV ), published in Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, June 2020 )
- Tolerant Comparison by Roger Hui (21 October 2014)
ameliorating the ugly realities of finite-precision representation and arithmetic - Direct Functions in Dyalog APL by John Scholes (20 December 2013)
an introduction to dfns (updated from the article that appeared in Vector volume 13 number 2) - How To Write Computer Programs by John Scholes (20 December 2013)
a plea for a more declarative approach to programming (updated from a paper presented at Dyalog ’04) - Arrays of Objects by Morten Kromberg (21 October 2007)
(presented at the Dynamic Language Symposium at OOPSLA 2007 in Montreal)
Non-Technical Articles
- A Vendor-Agnostic Logo for APL by Adám Brudzewsky – Vector volume (27 number 1 (June 2022)
- Dyalog at 25 a Vector supplement celebrating the first 25 years of Dyalog Ltd and Dyalog (September 2008)
- APL – Alive and Well by Morten Kromberg – Vector volume 23 number 3 (June 2008)
- APL Quotations and Anecdotes