Displaying cross-references with SharpPlot
Requirements: Update SharpPlot to v3.37 from my.dyalog.com > Downloads > Tools & Interfaces > GUI Tools > SharpPlot SharpPlot v3.37 introduces Network Maps as a new chart type, and we’re going to use it to display the output of the ]XRef user command, which displays cross-references between all kinds of APL names : ]XRef ⎕SE.Parser […]
Charting Reaction Times on the Raspberry Pi
Earlier this week I collected some reaction timer data on my Pi using the BBC micro:bit as an input device. I only produced an “ASCII art” chart at the time: times←ReactionTimer.Play times 251 305 294 415 338 298 294 251 378 ReactionTimer.AsciiChart times 425| 400| * 375| * 350+ 325| * 300| […]
News from Causeway – SharpLeaf (Alpha Preview Now Available)
For more than 20 years, Causeway has been developing APL tools to produce automated publication-quality graphics and typesetting. They differ from most modern technologies on mainly two points: The API philosophy is to keep it simple and clean rather than complex and dirty, so that neat output can be generated with the bare minimum of […]