DYNA25: Spring Edition is taking place on 7 April in New York City. More info

The author

APL Developer


Dan Baronet was responsible for Dyalog’s Simple APL Library Toolkit (SALT) and its framework for user commands (affectionately known as spice), but also worked on many other APL tools through his company Milinta Inc, specialising in the development of free open-source tools to transfer of APL code between dialects. He was a prolific writer and presented at many events. More about Dan

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Hyvää päivää (good day) On the last Thursday of November, I had the privilege to meet with with some members of the Finnish APL community in at the Vatt Institute for Economic Research in downtown Helsinki. The morning was spent engaged in lively conversation about user interfaces and Dyalog APL. In particular we talked about MiServer – … Read

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