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APLX Archive

Last updated 2025-26-02

APLX is no longer available from MicroAPL Ltd. In agreement with MicroAPL, Dyalog is hosting free downloads of the final (version 5.0) APLX installation packages and documentation.

Please note that APLX for macOS is a 32-bit application, and as such will not run on macOS Catalina or later.

Microsoft Windows Installation

To install APLX:
  1. Double-click on the downloaded setup_aplx_win.exe or setup_aplx64.exe file.
  2. Follow the instructions in the Installer window (no serial number is required). APLX is installed.
To start APLX for the first time:
  1. Start APLX.
    You will be prompted to enter your Licence number and Serial number.
  2. Enter a Licence number of 70702153 and a Serial number of W7CBS4CX and click OK.
    NOTE: Copying and pasting these values from this web page might not work, in which case they should be typed directly or they will not be recognised as valid.
    You will be prompted to restart APLX.
    We have had reports that on Windows 10 you may be prompted each time for the licence and serial numbers. If this happens, run APLX with administrator privileges and enter the numbers again; this should resolve this issue.
To install the font:
  1. Navigate to the downloaded aplx_unicode.ttf file in Windows Explorer.
  2. Right-click on the aplx_unicode.ttf file and select Install from the drop-down menu.

Linux Installation

To install APLX:

  1. Extract the downloaded APLXLinux5.0.tgz file: tar zxvf APLXLinux5.0.tar This creates a directory APLXLinux5.0 containing all the installation files.
  2. Change to the new directory: cd APLXLinux5.0
  3. Read through the installation notes in install.txt then run the installer: ./setup.sh

To start APLX for the first time:

  1. Start APLX. You will be prompted to enter your Serial code.
  2. Enter a Serial code of LCPHUNGC. You will be prompted to restart APLX.

To install the font:

Most non-Debian-based Linux distributions include fonts that can display the APL character set.

  1. Place the downloaded aplx_unicode.ttf file in the /usr/share/fonts/ directory.
  2. As root, open a command prompt and run fc-cache /usr/share/fonts.

macOS Installation

Installing APLX:

  1. In System Preferences, click on Security & Privacy and navigate to the General tab.
  2. Click the lock icon at the bottom of the Security & Privacy dialog box to allow changes to be made.
  3. In the Allow apps downloaded from field, select Anywhere.
  4. Close the Security & Privacy dialog box.
  5. Double-click on the downloaded aplx_mac_50.dmg file.
  6. Double-click on the Install APLX.mpkg file. The Installer window is displayed.
  7. Follow the instructions in the Installer window. APLX is installed in the Applications directory.

Starting APLX for the first time:

  1. In the Go menu in the Finder menu bar, select Applications. The Applications window is displayed.
  2. In the Applications window, double-click on APLX 5.1 > Start APLX. You will be prompted to enter your Serial code.
  3. Enter a Serial code of MVQBY4UA and click OK. You will be prompted to restart APLX.

Installing the font:

  1. Place the downloaded aplx_unicode_mac.ttf file in the /Library/Fonts/ directory.

Activating the font:

  1. Start an APLX session.
  2. Click on the Preferences… menu in the APLX menu bar. The Preferences dialog box is displayed.
  3. Navigate to the APLX tab.
  4. In the APL Screen Font field, select Use TrueType font.
  5. Close the APLX session.


You can download the following manuals and other supporting documents in PDF format; some are also available online.

Core Documentation

APLX Language Reference Manual (PDF)

This manual describes the APL language as implemented in APLX, including details of the new object-oriented language extensions. It covers APL data, operators, and primitives as well as system functions and variables.

APLX System Classes and User-Interface Programming

This document describes user interface programming in APLX. APLX includes an extensive set of cross-platform classes which allow you to build sophisticated yet portable graphical front-ends to your APL programs. Also covered in this manual is APLX Multi-Tasking, the Chart object for drawing graphs, and the networking facilities.

Online Help

Online document comprising information from APLX Language Reference Manual and APLX System Classes and User-Interface Programming.

Learning APLX

Learning APL with APLX

This document is aimed at users who are new to APL. It introduces the language and uses exercises to familiarise the user with the glyphs and their capabilities. Most of the material applies to any dialect of APL; any that is specific to APLX is indicated.

Learn APL: An APL Tutorial

Online document comprising information from Learning APL with APLX.

Other Documentation

APLX64 and the Client-Server Architecture

This manual describes APLX64 and covers the client-server architecture, security, operations, task creation and the 64-bit interpreter.

APLX Support

The primary source of support for APLX is now the APLX user community itself through the APLX forum, which will continue to operate at http://microapl.freeforums.org/. Dyalog staff will act as administrators and monitors.

In addition to the forum, queries can be directed to aplx@dyalog.com. Please note: although Dyalog might respond to APLX support requests, we do not have access to the source code and can, therefore, only offer advice.

Migrating from APLX to Dyalog

While we will make reasonable efforts to continue to make APLX available to existing users, we naturally recommend that APLX users investigate migrating to Dyalog APL so that they are on a platform which is fully supported, continuously being enhanced and adapting to the operating environments of the future. Resources that might assist you in your investigations include:

Hi, I’m the community master page. You should see me if you are on pages like the events calender. You don’t need to tell Mike about me, he knows.

Get Support

Technical advice and assistance on all aspects of Dyalog usage is available by e-mail (support@dyalog.com) and/or telephone (+44 1256 830030 – limited to U.K. office hours). Limited advice on design and coding is available, but is not intended to replace the use of the printed and on-line documentation. Except when reporting an issue with the software, users are encouraged to seek advice from the user community via the Dyalog Forum (reading the content of the forums does not require membership).

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