Reminder: The 10% Early Bird discount expires Sunday 12 August 2018 at 23:59 UTC/GMT.
The preliminary programme for Dyalog ’18 is now available at https://www.dyalog.com/user-meetings/dyalog18/presentations.htm. The programme is still evolving and you can follow our progress on this webpage as additional speakers, titles and abstracts are confirmed.
There will be a large contingent from Team Dyalog attending. In addition to the traditional road map presentations by senior management, approximately a dozen members of the team will speak at Dyalog ’18 in Belfast, presenting the results of another year of work on Dyalog APL.
The bulk of our work is related to wrapping up relevant technological advances and putting them at the fingertips of users of Dyalog APL. There will be presentations about cloud computing and demonstrations of a variety of ways to deploy APL systems on the cloud. We will show you how create good-looking application user interfaces that can be under Microsoft Windows, GNU Linux and Apple macOS, whether you are running on the desktop or in the cloud.
We’ll also be talking about work we have done to make it easier to learn APL; TryAPL has been given a facelift, Jupyter Notebook support is now ready for everyone to use and we have been running training sessions online that we intend to extend in the year to come.
We have been working to ensure that APL applications can take advantage of software engineering “best practices” such as source code management systems, and this yea, we may be outnumbered by users when it comes to talking about managing APL source code and projects. Talks by Paul Mansour and Gilgamesh Athoraya are confirmed, and we’re expecting a couple more users will be talking about their own experiences in this area.
Speed will be a significant theme at our user meeting as we have been making Dyalog APL even faster. We have High-Performance and Low-Latency Computing Specialist Martin Thompson as an external keynote speaker this year, and several members of the Dyalog development team will be presenting papers or workshops on what we have done to speed things up and how you can take advantage of that.
Finally, we will also have some deep dives into interesting problems. Paul Mansour will present a keynote on “What’s wrong with SQL” and Charles Brenner will explain how APL can help us understand the Manly Chromosome. Dieter Kilsch will talk about how Quaternions can help with Image Recognition and Erik Wallace will tell us how APL is useful in developing new cryptographic techniques for the Mystika project. Aaron Hsu will show how trees can be processed efficiently and elegantly with APL.
We look forward to seeing you in Belfast!