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Results of Code Golf Tournament

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The first three weeks of October saw Dyalog co-hosting a *Code Golf Tournament with Optima Systems. The challenge was to complete nine “holes”, each of which required a solution to a different puzzle. Puzzle descriptions

After a fiercely fought contest the top ten golfers were revealed to be:

1  Nikolay Georgiev Nikolov  143
2  Stefano Lanzavecchia      145
3  Francesco Garue           145
4  Michele Bellon            157
5  Zachary Taylor            174
6  Pierre                    208
7  Veli-Matti Jantunen       215
8  Gilgamesh Athoraya        218
9  Giacomo Manfredi          220
10 Moris Zucca               222</pre>


Congratulations to Nik on his victory. His winning solutions (with ⎕ML←1) are:

⎕IO←0 ⋄ ↑'⌸'/⍨¨(⍳10)=9⌊∘⌊10×⌊/÷.-⊂,⌈/ ⍝ score=29 (Bar Chart)
⎕IO←0 ⋄ &lbrace;1∊∊⍸⍵&rbrace;⌺3 3                   ⍝ score=11 (Disease Spread)
⎕IO←1 ⋄ &lbrace;&lbrace;⍸∨⌿2=|×/↑⍵∘.-⍳8 8&rbrace;⍣⍺,⊆⍵&rbrace;    ⍝ score=24 (Knight Moves From)
⎕IO←1 ⋄ &lbrace;∊~⌿4↑⍉,⌸⍨⍵&rbrace;                  ⍝ score=10 (Complete Teams)
⎕IO←1 ⋄ &lbrace;≢⍸⍵&rbrace;⌺3 3∊¨3+0,¨⊢             ⍝ score=17 (Game of Life)
⎕IO←1 ⋄ &lbrace;(↑∪⍺⍺∘⍸¨∪=⊂)⍵&rbrace;               ⍝ score=13 (Monadic Key)
⎕IO←1 ⋄ +⌿∘.(</∘⍋,)                   ⍝ score=11 (Interval Index)
⎕IO←1 ⋄ &lbrace;1∊∊⍷/∘.=⍨¨⍺⍵&rbrace;                ⍝ score=12 (Isomorph In)
⎕IO←1 ⋄ ∪⊂,⍳∘≢∘,≥∘⊂⍋∘?@~              ⍝ score=16 (Fill Steps)


*Code golf is a type of recreational computer programming competition in which participants strive to achieve the shortest possible source code that implements a certain algorithm (Wikipedia).


Watch Dyalog's webinar in which three of the "holes" (Game of Life, Interval Index and Complete Teams) are explored.


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