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Home > About > Team Dyalog > Adám Brudzewsky
Adám is a member of the Dyalog Tools Group. He writes (and helps cutomers to write) APL, implements and maintains parts of our system that are written in APL, teaches APL, and creates materials for demonstration purposes.
Adám is a lifelong APL programmer, taught by his father (Henri Brudzewsky), and attended several APL conferences starting when he was just one year old. As a student, he preferred APL to mathematical notation, and wrote a couple of high school papers based on it; in philosophy, describing multiplicative fuzzy logic, and in mathematics, asking if the traditional mathematical notation could be improved. And of course, with APL, the answer was “yes”!
Before joining Dyalog Ltd, Adám used APL both as a toy and as a tool to clean up dirty data for a school and a fundraiser. He also programmed smaller text-based games and utility applications for himself but, most of all, APL influenced his way of thinking about problems in general.
Adám is an active participant in various activities and forums , maintains APLcart , and is a major contributor to the APL Wiki . Although often involved in every part of the development process, his real passion is making APL the best it can be though backwards‑compatible language extensions.
We promote a culture where innovation, fun, pride, and acceptance is part of our daily life. We come from a variety of backgrounds, and our diversity enhances our creativity.
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Technical advice and assistance on all aspects of Dyalog usage is available by e-mail (support@dyalog.com) and/or telephone (+44 1256 830030 – limited to U.K. office hours). Limited advice on design and coding is available, but is not intended to replace the use of the printed and on-line documentation. Except when reporting an issue with the software, users are encouraged to seek advice from the user community via the Dyalog Forum (reading the content of the forums does not require membership).