Our new licence structure took effect on 1 January 2024; this article describes the changes from the previous structure.
Single Commercial Developer Licence Type
We have simplified the licence structure for commercial developer licences and now offer a single, multi-platform, developer licence. This includes:
- Supported platforms: Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux
- Widths: 32-bit and 64-bit.
This licence type also includes Dyalog Support Service (DSS), which offers support, maintenance, and upgrades.
The annual subscription price for a single commercial developer licence will be £1,375.
NOTE: If you have any commercial 64-bit or 32-bit developer licences, all your current licences must be upgraded to the new multi-platform developer licence on your 2024 renewal date. For example, if you currently hold a single 64-bit commercial developer licence for Microsoft Windows at £1,275 per year, your 2024 renewal/upgrade price will be £1,375 and your licence will be changed to the multi-platform licence.
32-bit Dyalog
It is more than 15 years since we introduced the 64-bit version of Dyalog. Since then, we have provided and supported both 64-bit and 32-bit versions of Dyalog. However, we have found it increasingly difficult to maintain the same level of functionality for both versions; considering the additional efforts to keep the 32-bit version functional, we have decided that it no longer makes sense to offer the 32-bit licence as a separate product at a lower price than the 64-bit version. The 32-bit version is included in the multi-platform developer licence.
We will also no longer offer 32-bit-only run-time licences. Run-time licences will continue to be priced per user, and from 1 January 2024 will include rights to distribute both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Dyalog.
We will be contacting all customers with active 32-bit licences (developer/run-time) within the next few months with detailed information regarding how these changes will affect them directly. We will provide a detailed breakdown of any licences affected and the cost of upgrading them to the new multi-platform developer, along with payment options to enable customers to incrementally increase the cost over a five year period.
Basic Licence
There are no changes to the Basic Licence, which allows APL users to have a copy of the latest Dyalog technology for personal or non-commercial use and experimentation.
Special Contracts
Customers who have negotiated royalty agreements and other special contracts with us will not be impacted by these changes.
DSS+ Only Subscriptions
Customers who hold historic perpetual licences with an annual DSS+ subscription fee will be able to retain their historical licence and continue to pay for DSS+ only. However, the annual cost of DSS+ will increase to £865 per licence. Customers who have DSS+ only on a historical 32-bit perpetual licence will have to pay a one-time upgrade fee of £450 per licence to upgrade their DSS+ to the new structure.
NOTE: DSS+ only subscriptions apply to historic perpetual licences, and are not available to anyone who does not already have this licence type.
If you have any queries regarding the above, please contact sales@dyalog.com.
NOTE: All prices are in £ Sterling (GBP) unless stated otherwise, and are exclusive of VAT.
Complete information on licence structure and prices.