Dyalog ’17 will take place in Elsinore, Denmark, from Sunday 10 September to Thursday 14 September 2017 (both days inclusive). Our venue this year is the Konventum (formerly known as known as LO-skolen), a modern conference centre that has been awarded 4 stars for its conference facilities.
Registration for Dyalog ’17 is now open; register now and take advantage of the 10% Early Bird discount (the Early Bird discount expires 31 July 2017 23:59:59 UTC).
The workshops on offer this year provide an ideal opportunity to get some hands-on experience of the latest functionality available with Dyalog or spend some quality time with experienced experts who will present how they use their favourite features – old as well as new!
More information about the venue, pricing, workshops, programme, etc. can be found on the Dyalog ’17 web pages.
NOTE: We are currently in the process of creating the programme and there is still room for additional presentations, so if you have an idea for a presentation, or you yourself would like to give a presentation, then please let us know. Please send your suggestions to usermeeting@dyalog.com. We will publish the programme as we get closer to Dyalog ’17 so please check the website regularly for the latest information.
We look forward to seeing you in Elsinore!