Functional Conf is designed to bring the growing community of functional programmers together under one roof. At Functional Conf:
- participants can understand the fundamentals concepts behind functional programming
- they can learn how others are using functional programming to solve real world problems
- practitioners can meet peers and exchange their experience
- experts can share their expertise on practical usage and gotchas in functional programming concepts
Functional Conf 15 was held last month in Bangalore, India, and attended by Morten Kromberg and Jay Foad. Videos from the presentations given there have now been released; these include the closing keynote given by Morten and two other sessions where Morten and Jay participated.
Dyalog Ltd has sponsored the unlocking of six of the presentation videos so that they can be viewed free‑of‑charge. The six videos selected are:
- Parallel Programming in Dyalog using Futures and Isolates – Morten Kromberg (APL, closing keynote)
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXtCQhtePSc) - Why Julia? – Viral B Shah (Julia)
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6tiSPfNAi0) - Functional Reactive Web w/o Compiling to JavaScript – Shashi Gowda (Escher)
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-4PjOHAhBc) - You say Big Data, I say Fast Data – Nilanjan Raychaudhuri (Scala)
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFeyV46TIRs) - Live Code Jugalbandi – Dhaval and Naresh Jain (Morten and Jay present APL solutions)
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMo7Y1hFTg4) - Fish Bowl Style Panel (Morten participating)