Grand Prize of US$2,500 and a Trip to Dyalog ’12 in Elsinore, Denmark plus 22 Other Cash Prizes
Dyalog is pleased to announce the launch of the 2012 World Wide Programming Contest. The purpose of the contest – now in its fourth year – is to encourage students and others to investigate APL (A Programming Language); the organisers hope that participants will find that exposure to APL broadens their horizons and adds a new tool to their toolbox.
There are 23 cash prizes to be won by students with an equivalent number of referral awards. A total of US$12,600 in prize money has been provided by several sponsors, including US-based Fiserv, Italy-based APL Italiana, Denmark-based SimCorp and UK-based Dyalog Ltd., as well as several anonymous individuals and companies. The Grand Prize winner can look forward to US$2,500 plus round trip travel from anywhere in the world where the winner lives to the Dyalog ’12 Conference in Elsinore, Denmark commencing Sunday October 14, 2012.
The contest is open to anyone (except contest organisers and employees of Dyalog Ltd.), but, participants should be aware that only students who meet the criteria for free Dyalog Educational Licence are eligible for the Grand Prize. Students can apply for an educational Licence directly via the Dyalog website. Prizes for referring a winning entrant can be won by anyone.
Deadline for submission is 12:00 UTC (Noon), Sunday August 5, 2012. First, second and third prize winners will be announced on August 13, 2012, and the remaining winners, as well as the referral prize winners, will be announced during Dyalog ’12 in Elsinore.