It gives us great pleasure to announce the commercial availability of Dyalog Version 12.0.1 for Windows/32.
As from 29 February 2008 Dyalog Version 12.0.1 for Windows/32 is available as a download for DSS subscribers. If you are not a DSS subscriber – but still feel you need Version 12.0.1 for Windows/32 immediately, please contact us here with your request.
New online libraries for help and documentationIn connection with Version 12.0 we have created 2 new online libraries which are now publicly available via the website. The Help library is created as a very structured topic tree which you can expand. There is also a search function where you can either select from a menu or type in your search criteria.
The documentation section contains all the available documentation and this section with be updated on a regular basis as and when new manuals and training materials becomes available. In connection with the Platinum release of Version 12 all the manuals will further be available as PDF downloads as well as print-on-demand via Lulu.
You can peruse the new libraries by clicking at the buttons below.
For download of Dyalog Version 12.0.1 Windows/32 bit please log into DSS.